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Apple users might soon be able to ask Siri to play music through Spotify


[Apple iPhone][2] users might soon be able to ask [Siri][3] to play songs, playlists and albums from [Spotify][4], it's claimed.

Currently, Siri will only play music from [Apple Music][5], but [The Information has said][6] "three people familiar with the discussions" have said Apple and Spotify are in talks about a plan to allow iPhone users to ask Siri to play music from Spotify too.

It's claimed iPhone, iPad and [HomePod][7] users, will likely have to say Spotify at the end of the Siri command, with the voice assistant still defaulting to Apple Music even if the companies reach an agreement, but the functionality would certainly be a welcomed step forward for users nevertheless.

The talks are said to involve a set of tools that were announced at [Apple's WWDC][8] earlier this year that will allow developers of audio apps to make their services easily available through Siri commands.

It's said the tools will be added to SiriKit - an existing set of developer tools that launched in 2016 - when the [iOS 13 update][9] arrives.

Both [Amazon Alexa][10] and [Google Assistant][11] voice assistants work with Spotify, allowing users to play music through the streaming service on their Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant device, despite both Amazon and Google offering their own music streaming services.

It would be great to see Apple do the same, even if Spotify and Apple Music are both after the [music streaming service][12] top spot.

[1]: https://cdn.pocket-lint.com/r/s/748x/assets/images/148965-phones-news-apple-users-might-soon-be-able-to-ask-siri-to-play-music-through-spotify-image1-huhns5x07t.jpg?v1
[2]: https://www.pocket-lint.com/phones/reviews
[3]: https://www.pocket-lint.com/apps/news/apple/112346-what-is-siri-apple-s-personal-voice-assistant-explained
[4]: https://www.pocket-lint.com/apps/news/spotify/139236-what-is-spotify-and-how-does-it-work
[5]: https://www.pocket-lint.com/apps/news/apple/136725-what-is-apple-music-and-how-does-it-work
[6]: https://www.theinformation.com/articles/apple-spotify-discuss-siri-truce-as-antitrust-battle-looms
[7]: https://www.pocket-lint.com/smart-home/reviews/apple/141256-apple-homepod-review
[8]: https://www.pocket-lint.com/phones/news/apple/137365-apple-wwdc-developers-conference-when-it-is-and-all-the-announcements-that-matter
[9]: https://www.pocket-lint.com/phones/news/apple/146938-apple-ios-13-update-features-iphone-ipad-software
[10]: https://www.pocket-lint.com/smart-home/news/amazon/138846-what-is-alexa-how-does-it-work-and-what-can-amazons-alexa-do
[11]: https://www.pocket-lint.com/apps/news/google/137722-what-is-google-assistant-how-does-it-work-and-which-devices-offer-it
[12]: https://www.pocket-lint.com/apps/buyers-guides/126892-best-music-streaming-services-apps-and-sites-spotify-vs-apple-music-and-more

URL: https://www.pocket-lint.com/phones/news/apple/148965-apple-users-might-soon-be-able-to-ask-siri-to-play-music-through-spotify

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