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Apple's recalled MacBooks have been banned from flights


Responding to Apple's move to recall some specific models of 15-inch MacBook Pro, the FAA has banned select models from flights, due to their batteries being a fire risk.

* [MacBook Pro battery recall: How to check if yours needs replacing][2]

The FAA isn't the only organisation banning these laptops. According [to Bloomberg][3], the European Union Aviation Safety Agency has also warned airlines about these models, leading to a handful of European airlines launching a blanket ban on all 15-inch MacBook Pros from 2015-2017.

These airlines include Air Italy, Air Transat, Thomas Cook and TUI Group. That means anyone with a 2015 MacBook Pro with a 15-inch screen won't be allowed to take it on any of their flights, in cargo or in a check-in bag.

Airlines have said that they will be making sure to announce the ban in airports, before boarding, to ensure as much notice as possible is given to potentially affected customers.

It is worth noting that anyone who has taken advantage of Apple's battery replacement program will be not be affected. Essentially, if your battery is replaced and safe, you're good.

This ban is in response to [Apple][4] discovering that its 15-inch MacBook Pro models sold between 2015 and 2017 were fitted with batteries that aren't safe.

Some of these units were found to have a battery that overheats, understandably causing concern among airlines that any overheating battery could pose a serious fire hazard in the air.

In response - having discovered the issue - Apple launched a free replacement service, offering a new battery to anyone with an impacted model.

According to the report, nearly half a million units have been included in the recall in North America alone, with no figures available for how many are impacted in the UK or wider Europe.

Of course, it's not the first time we've heard of a consumer electronic device being banned from flights. The most notable in recent history being [the Galaxy Note 7.][5]

Samsung's powerful flagship - like the MacBook Pro - was found to have a battery that not only overheated, but also posed a significant risk of explosion due to a failure in design.

In the end, Samsung was forced to completely recall the device, [then refurbished][6] and sold the phone with a smaller battery, in a much smaller batch.

With this being an older device, and one that can be fixed, the result isn't as damaging.

If you have a MacBook that fits the description, be sure to check if you can have the battery replaced under the program before attempting to take it on a flight. You might find you're being asked to leave it behind otherwise.

[1]: https://cdn.pocket-lint.com/r/s/748x/assets/images/148967-laptops-news-apples-recalled-macbooks-have-been-banned-from-flights-image1-0hmw3gyxzk.jpg?v1
[2]: https://www.pocket-lint.com/laptops/news/apple/148432-15-inch-macbook-pro-battery-recall
[3]: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-08-13/u-s-regulator-bans-recalled-apple-laptops-from-flights
[4]: https://www.pocket-lint.com/laptops/reviews/apple
[5]: https://www.pocket-lint.com/phones/news/samsung/139133-rip-samsung-galaxy-note-7-a-eulogy-for-a-great-but-flawed-friend
[6]: https://www.pocket-lint.com/phones/news/samsung/140317-samsung-galaxy-note-7-to-make-a-return-to-emerging-markets-following-refurb-program

URL: https://www.pocket-lint.com/laptops/news/apple/148967-macbook-pro-recall-banned-flights

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