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Nintendo teases new fitness accessory for Switch, but what is it?


[Nintendo][2] is on a roll at the moment, not least by adding [SNES games to the Switch][3] for online subscribers to play for free. However, it has further plans to extend the usefulness of its console, with a new accessory planned for a full unveiling on 12 September.

The only problem, we're not entirely sure what it is.

A teaser video has been posted by Nintendo online, showing a large(ish) rubber ring and a strap to hook a Joy-Con to your leg, so we can only guess that this is the [Nintendo Switch][4]'s answer to the [Wii Fit board][5].

That makes sense considering its been more than a decade since Nintendo dabbled in the fitness market. The accessory also seems to have some resistance when squeezed, a bit like a rubberised muscle trainer, which gives a further hint towards healthier pursuits.

Certainly, all the uses shown in the video clip suggest that you'll have to move around a lot, presumably to tie in with a game or application. And, yoga seems to play a part too.

Anyway, we'll find out for sure next Thursday, when Nintendo promises to reveal more.

In the meantime, we'll be having a cheeky punt on the fact that it'll be called SwitchFit. Oh yes.

[1]: https://cdn.pocket-lint.com/r/s/748x/assets/images/149269-games-news-nintendo-teases-149269-fitness-accessory-for-switch-but-what-is-it-image1-qytwkubdgp.jpg?v1
[2]: https://www.pocket-lint.com/games/news/nintendo
[3]: https://www.pocket-lint.com/games/news/nintendo/149219-nintendo-adds-snes-games-and-official-wireless-controller-to-switch
[4]: https://www.pocket-lint.com/games/reviews/nintendo/140007-nintendo-switch-review-console-specs-price-and-features
[5]: https://www.pocket-lint.com/games/reviews/nintendo/70189-wii-fit-nintendo-wii-game

URL: https://www.pocket-lint.com/games/news/nintendo/149269-new-nintendo-switch-fitness-accessory-revealed

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