PopSockets now makes grips for your soda and coffee, but why?
PopSockets, the maker of the popular eponymous smartphone grips, has launched a new product: PopThirst Cup Sleeves.
* [Upcoming phones: The future smartphones of 2019][2]
They're exactly what you think they are: Popsocket-equipped sleeves, for your mug. They should fit most "coffee cups, pint glasses, and various beverage cups", according to PopSockets, which shared promo materials of the product doing just that. Here's one wrapped around a Frappuccino:
PopSockets says PopThirst Cup Sleeves are "designed to help you hold your drink more easily to avoid spills". They work with on either hot or cold drinks and come in one size for cans and another for cups. Both sizes cost $15 and feature a PopGrip, also known as the base that holds swappable PopSockets. Check out some of our [favourite PopSocket and PopGrip designs here][4].
Like PopSockets, [PopThirsts come in all sorts of crazy patterns][5]. There's plaid, leopard print, flames that would make [Guy Fieri][6] jealous, and more.
PopThirst Cup Sleeves go on sale on 15 September. But, like [The Verge][7], we have questions about how it works. Is the PopGrip a handle for your beverage? Or does your hand go around the PopThirst Cup Sleeve, and then the PopGrip is, like, a fidgety thing you can wrap your fingers around?
We're confused.
[1]: https://cdn.pocket-lint.com/r/s/748x/assets/images/149372-news-pop-image1-nkupp83jfs.jpg?v1
[2]: https://www.pocket-lint.com/phones/buyers-guides/120810-upcoming-smartphones-and-new-mobiles-coming-out-this-year
[3]: https://cdn.pocket-lint.com/r/s/660x/assets/images/149372-news-pop-image2-imd0icqxhg.jpg
[4]: https://www.pocket-lint.com/phones/buyers-guides/146621-best-popsocket-designs
[5]: https://www.popsockets.com/collections/popthirst?utm_source=Rakuten&utm_medium=affiliates&utm_content=1&utm_campaign=665439&utm_term=Offers.com+%28Offers.com%2C+LLC%29&ranMID=43682&ranEAID=qpF0HYnRugA&ranSiteID=qpF0HYnRugA-WGrWOr4Fm_1V1aMAXqt8wg
[6]: https://www.google.com/search?q=guy+fieri&newwindow=1&sxsrf=ACYBGNTZOp_vKa9IYrFR2kzOIjKYYmrSVw:1568416889766&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjIxcuc-M7kAhUMJTQIHcWfBKMQ_AUIEigB&biw=1516&bih=752#imgrc=eFoNETYRsBzyRM:
[7]: https://www.theverge.com/2019/9/13/20864215/popsockets-popthirst-cup-sleeve-can-holder-release?utm_campaign=theverge&utm_content=chorus&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter
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